Traditional Panchakarma Therapy
While our bodies have their own elegant, efficient system for waste removal, and are constantly detoxifying, many times we can begin to notice stagnation due to accumulation of undigested materials we aren’t able to eliminate without support.
Benefits of a Panchakarma Therapy programme include:
✓ Elimination of Toxins
✓ Weight Loss
✓ Increased Energy
✓ Mental & Emotional Clarity
✓ Balanced Digestion & Metabolism
✓ Improved Sleep
✓ Glowing Skin & Hair
Guided, At-Home
This is an example course of treatment, and will vary for every one
Begin with Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation - Dr. M.L. Maurya
2-4 week gentle cleanse
Deepana + Pachana digestion therapy via customized Diet
Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor Coaching for self-administered:
Abhyanga oil massage​ - tissue cleansing
Shatkarma - gentle daily cleansing of elimination channels
Nasya - mental rejuvenation therapy
Pranayama + Vyama - breath and exercise cleansing and rejuvenation
Steam Bath - elimination support
Starting at $270
Are You Ready for a Cleanse?
Panchakarma therapy may be right for you if you're feeling​:
✗ Blocked bowels, decreased sweating
✗ Increased body odor
✗ Dulled sense of taste
✗ Dull mood or decreased mental clarity
✗ More mucus in nose and throat
✗ Candida, High Blood Sugar, Fevers
✗ Weakened digestion
✗ Negative emotions
✗ White build-up on on tongue
✗ Food sensitivities
✗ Lethargy
Level 1
Mini Cleanse
​This is an example course of treatment, and will vary for every one
5 weekly or twice-weekly treatments
Complete Supervision by Doctor Consultation - Dr. M.L. Maurya
3 Oil Massage - Abhyanga
3 Shirodhara - Crown Treatment
2 Powder Massage OR 2 Potli Massage
5 Medicated Steam Bath - Swedana
Receive suggestions and guidance for preparation + rejuvenation/recovery, including herbs, diet, and at-home digestion cleansing options
Starting at $780
Safe + Gentle + Effective
Gentle cleansing through Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies removes elements which are aggravated by toxins — the cause of all disease. In a complete Panchakarma programme, toxins are safely removed from body and mind, as well as energetic pathways and subtle channels.
Level 2
Yearly Healing Cleanse
​This is an example course of treatment, and will vary for every one
12 twice-weekly to thrice-weekly treatments
Complete Supervision by Ayurvedic Doctor M.L. Maurya, including 2-3 Consultations
6 Oil Massage - Abhyanga
6 Shirodhara - Crown Treatment
2 Shiatsu OR Marma Massage
2 Powder Massage OR 2 Potli Massage
2 Janu, Katu, Uru Vasti, as directed by Doctor
12 Medicated Steam Bath - Swedana
Receive suggestions and guidance for preparation + rejuvenation/recovery, including herbs, diet, and at-home digestion cleansing options
Starting at $1990
Prepare, Release, Rejuvenate
Every Panchakarma therapy series is chosen unique to the needs of the individual. Your treatments will be chosen per Ayurvedic Doctor's recommendations.
The three essential phases of all Panchakarma programmes are:
Preparation of the body,
Correct Level of Detoxification, and
Complete Restorative care.
Level 3
Complete Panchakarma​
This is an example course of treatment, and will vary for every one
21 treatments completed in 4-6 week span
Complete Supervision by Ayurvedic Doctor M.L. Maurya, including at least 3 Consultations
12 Oil Massage - Abhyanga
12 Shirodhara - Crown Treatment
3 Marma OR Shiatsu Massage
3 Nasya Treatments
6 Powder Massage OR 6 Potli Massage
18 Medicated Steam Bath - Swedana
Receive suggestions and guidance for preparation + rejuvenation/recovery, including herbs, diet, and at-home digestion cleansing options
Starting at $3990
Which Cleanse is Best for Me?
​Which level is right for you? Find out now by Taking the Quiz! Click the link below to learn your Ama + Agni levels, and find out for sure which type of cleanse is best for your health.